geokkjer's home on the web, built with Guile and Haunt Posts2024-08-20T09:10:08ZAbout Okkenhaug Jerstadgeir@geokkjer.eu2024-02-12T11:08:00Z<h1>About</h1><p>Hello stranger,</p><p>This is a blog about my adventures into functional and procedual programming and system configuration + some politics maybe. Topics covered are NixOs and general Linux/DevoPs stuff. Programming in C, Rust, Zig and Lisp.</p><p>Formally educated as a security professional. Self thaught Linux admin with special interrest in virtualization, contaniers, kubernetes and NixOS. I love the Linux desktop &lt;3 (running Sway and Emacs). Currently looking to level up programming with Rust and C. Looking to make cli applications, or platform engineering.</p><h2>Some quotes</h2><p>Random assortment of quotes, might be inspirarional.</p><blockquote><p>&quot;We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon... We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energgoies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.&quot; - <a href="">John F. Kennedy</a></p></blockquote><blockquote><p>&quot;Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.&quot; - Mike Tyson</p></blockquote><blockquote><p>&quot;when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro&quot; - Hunter S. Thompson</p></blockquote><blockquote><p>“When the rich steal from the poor it’s called business, when the poor resist it’s called violence” - Mark Twain</p></blockquote><blockquote><p>&quot;Een schip op het strand is een baken in zee.[ A ship on the beach is a lighthouse to the sea. ]&quot; - DUTCH PROVERB from The Mythical Man Month</p></blockquote><blockquote><p>“I’m using Linux. A library that emacs uses to communicate with Intel hardware.” – Erwin, #emacs, Freenode. Taken from Mastering Emacs by Mickey Peterseon</p></blockquote>Test post! Okkenhaug Jerstadgeir@geokkjer.eu2024-02-06T11:08:00Z<h1>Top</h1><p><strong>Bold</strong> <em>cursive</em></p><h2>second</h2><p><code>backtick</code></p><p><img src="./images/guix.jpg" alt="image" /></p><pre><code class="language-rust"> # Code here use::std::io fn main() { println!(&quot;Hello, Code!&quot;); }</code></pre>First post! Okkenhaug Jerstadgeir@geokkjer.eu2024-02-06T11:08:00Z<h1>Title</h1><h2>Hello world!</h2><p>This is <strong>MarkDown</strong> :-)</p><p>This is <em>code</em></p><pre><code class="language-guile">(use-modules (haunt asset) (haunt site) (haunt builder blog) (haunt builder atom) (haunt reader skribe)) (site #:title 'My First Haunt Site' #:domain &quot;; #:default-metadata '((author . &quot;Eva Luator&quot;) (email . &quot;;)) #:readers (list skribe-reader) #:builders (list (blog) (atom-feed) (atom-feeds-by-tag))) </code></pre>Hello with Skribe! Okkenhaug Jerstadgeir@geokkjer.eu2024-02-06T00:00:00Z<h1>This is Skribe!</h1><p>This is my second Skribe document</p><p>This is the second paragraf !</p>Hello with Skribe! Okkenhaug Jerstadgeir@geokkjer.eu2024-02-06T00:00:00Z<h1>Hello2, Skribe!</h1><p>This is my first Skribe document</p><p>This is the second paragraf !</p>